Privacy Policy Of Tea Burn

Our Privacy Policy changes from time to time and changes are effective upon posting. Please check back frequently for updates as it is your sole responsibility to be aware of changes. TeaBurn does not provide notices of changes in any manner other than by posting the changes on this website.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not provide any information to TeaBurn or use any of the services or products offered on any of the websites referred to in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection, Use, and Dissemination Practices of TeaBurn
This policy applies to TeaBurn's collection, use, storage, and disclosure of information on its:

Websites, including all its divisions, subsidiaries, and related companies (collectively, the "Websites"),
Various third-party websites, and
Other information collection methods, including purchasing customer lists from third parties.
TeaBurn is not responsible for the information collection or privacy practices of third-party websites or applications.

1. Collection of Information
1.1 Survey Information
TeaBurn collects information through various methods, such as completing surveys, order forms, or registration pages either online or offline, operated by TeaBurn or third parties. Information collected may include name, email, address, phone number, birth date, gender, salary range, education, marital status, occupation, and other details ("Survey Information"). Providing Survey Information is voluntary.

1.2 Other Information
TeaBurn collects information during:

Claiming a prize or redeeming an incentive.
Requesting assistance through customer service.
Voluntarily subscribing to a TeaBurn service or newsletter ("Other Information").
1.3 Cookies, Web Beacons, and Technology Information
TeaBurn uses cookies and web beacons to associate Internet-related information about an individual with data in our database and may use other technology in the future ("Technology Information").

(a) Cookies: Small data stored on an individual's computer to identify them in TeaBurn’s database. Acceptance of cookies is required to use all features of the Websites.

(b) Web Beacons: Code used to display images on web pages and track web visits. It can associate user identification with previously acquired information for targeted advertising.

(c) New Technology: TeaBurn may use evolving technology and encourages revisiting this policy for updates.

1.4 Outside Information
TeaBurn may receive information from third parties or public databases ("Outside Information").

1.5 Individual Information
Individual Information includes Survey Information, Third Party List Information, Other Information, Technology Information, and Outside Information.

1.6 No Information Collected from Children
TeaBurn does not knowingly collect information from children under 13. If such information is identified, it will be deleted immediately.

1.7 Credit Card Information
TeaBurn collects and encrypts credit card information for processing purchases and will disclose it to third parties only to complete transactions.

2. Use of Individual Information
2.1 Discretion to Use Information
TeaBurn may use Individual Information for any legally permissible purpose at its discretion.

2.2 Email
TeaBurn uses Individual Information to send promotional offers by email.

(a) Content of Email Messages: Advertiser's name may appear in the "From:" line, and "Reply" will direct to TeaBurn.

(b) Solicited Email: TeaBurn only sends emails to individuals who have agreed to receive them. Statutes on unsolicited email are not applicable.

2.3 Targeted Advertising
TeaBurn uses Individual Information for targeted advertising through various methods.

2.4 Direct Mail and Telemarketing
TeaBurn uses Individual Information for direct mail marketing or telemarketing.

2.5 Use of Technology Information
TeaBurn uses Technology Information for profiling and targeted advertising.

2.6 Profiles of Individuals
TeaBurn creates profiles of individuals by combining various sources of Individual Information.

2.7 Storage of Individual Information
TeaBurn stores Individual Information securely but cannot guarantee protection against illegal access.

3. Dissemination of Individual Information
3.1 Sale or Transfer to Third Parties
TeaBurn may sell or transfer Individual Information to third parties.

3.2 Order Fulfillment
TeaBurn transfers Individual Information to third parties as necessary for order fulfillment.

3.3 Legal Process
TeaBurn may disclose Individual Information in response to legal processes.

3.4 Summary Data
TeaBurn may sell or transfer non-individualized information.

3.5 Access
Individuals can access and correct their information by contacting customer service.

4. Privacy Practices of Third Parties
4.1 Advertiser Cookies and Web Beacons
TeaBurn is not responsible for third-party Advertisers' use of cookies and web beacons.

4.2 Links
TeaBurn is not responsible for privacy practices or content on third-party websites linked from the Websites.

4.3 Affiliated Companies
TeaBurn may disclose Individual Information to affiliated entities.

5. Unsubscribe Procedures
To unsubscribe from TeaBurn emails, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

For more information about protecting your privacy, visit: If you have questions about this policy, contact customer service at the number on the order page.

All Rights Reserved. These statements have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. This site or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.